National Social Security Fund


Director General of the National Social Security Fund

Legal framework Created by decree 1925 ITT / MC of June 28, 1956, under the name of Caisse de Compensation et des allowances familial, the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), a public establishment of a social nature endowed with legal personality, takes its form current law 004/86 of February 25, 1986 establishing the social security code. It is administered by a Board of Directors and headed by a Managing Director assisted by seven (07) divisional directors.

In addition to the General Directorate located in Brazzaville, the CNSS is present through seven (07) Departmental Directorates (Brazzaville, Kouilou, Niari, Boeunza-Lekoumou, Cuvette, Sangha and Likoula). Are subject to the regime managed by the CNSS, all workers falling under the labor code without distinction of race, nationality, sex and origin, when they are employed on Congolese territory on behalf of one or more employers. notwithstanding the nature, form and validity of the contract, the nature and amount of the remuneration.

The missions of the CNSS

The social security system, the management of which is entrusted to the CNSS, has for essential missions the recovery of social contributions and the payment of social benefits with a view to combating the precariousness which can affect its policyholders due to: accidents at work; occupational disease, old age, disability or death.

The services

The scheme manages three branches which provide the following benefits:
The family benefits branch: It serves: prenatal benefits; allowances and aid to young households or birth premium; family allowances ; daily maternity allowances; childbirth costs and medical care caused by illness resulting from pregnancy or childbirth; benefits in kind.

The occupational risks branch: It covers: medical care and costs as well as the costs incurred by functional rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation; the award of an annuity in the event of permanent, temporary or partial incapacity for work; the allocation of a daily allowance; funeral expenses allowance and survivors' pension in the event of the death of the insured.

The pensions branch: It serves: the normal old age pension; proportional pension; early pension; survivor's pension; death grant; survivor's allowance.

The resources

Social contributions constitute the essential resource of the CNSS. They finance 95% of the various branches.

The rates of social contributions by branch are as follows: 12% for the PVID branch of which 8% payable by the employer and 4% payable by the employee; 10.03% for the family allowances branch, payable by the employer; 2.25% for the branch of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, payable by the employer

Subsidiary resources: made up of surcharges incurred due to delay in the payment of social contributions or in the production of nominative declarations of wages; income from investment property and investment funds; state subsidies. The missions of the CNSS can only be accomplished if the employers fulfill their obligations of affiliation, registration and payment of contributions.


Since the beginning of 2005, there has been a good trend towards the National Social Security Fund. Indeed, under the leadership of Mr. Gilbert ONDONGO, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security, the CNSS now regularly pays all social benefits. This is how it relaunched the payment of family benefits suspended since 1996. It also placed particular emphasis on:

  •     Bringing its services closer to pensioners through the development of a proximity policy, in particular the continued establishment of departmental directorates and agencies in the interland;
  •     improving reception conditions;
  •     humanization of pension pay conditions by favoring payment by bank transfer;
  •     reform of the IT system in order to provide the Fund with a modern and efficient tool which will allow modernization of management procedures;
  •     the revival of health and social action.